With the United States Social Security benefit payment schedule in front of us it is easier to organize our household finances. If we have started collecting a monthly retirement benefit we can always know in advance on which day the Administration will send us each check.
Thanks to this method, retirees can keep track of all their expenses and income. Most Americans who collect Social Security have no other source of income. That is why it is so important to know when we will get our payment.
Even so, it is important to understand that the payment schedule refers to the days on which the Social Security Administration sends out checks. Whether or not you get them on the exact same day depends on the collection method you have activated.
In total, the Administration will send 4 different checks to retirees. If you want to get a check on one of these days, you only have to check the requirements. Depending on your date of birth and the year of your retirement you will be able to receive your check on one day or another.
Each payment will arrive on a different day. Just by determining which group we belong to, we will be able to know the exact day of the payment. If we want to know which group we belong to, we must take into account our personal information.
Thus, these are the groups according to the year of retirement and day of birth:
- Group 1. Retirees with a benefit prior to 1997.
- Group 2. Beneficiaries with a Social Security benefit after 1997 with birthdays between the 1st and 10th of any month.
- Group 3. Beneficiaries with a post-1997 payment and birthday between the 11th and 20th of any month belong to this group.
- Group 4. Retirees with a Social Security check with a post-1997 birthday between the 21st and 31st are in this group.
Therefore, each group will get payment on a different day. These are the days on which the Social Security Administration will send payments to the different groups:
- November 3rd. Retiree Group 1.
- November 8th. Group 2 beneficiaries.
- November 15th. Group 3 Social Security retirees are paid on this day.
- November 22nd. Last day of payments in November. Group 4 retirees receive their benefits on this day.
Just checking which group we belong to and what day of the month that group gets paid will be enough to keep track of the time of the month when we will get our Social Security check in November.n