All Social Security Administration offices will remain closed on September 2. Therefore, if you are planning to visit your local office on that day, you will not be able to do it because they will not be open.
For your information, Social Security offices close on Federal holidays. It was on July 4, Independence Day when all offices were last closed. Hence, those who plan to file for retirement, SSDI, or SSI should do it online on September 2.
Which day is September 2 and why are Social Security offices closed?
According to the official website of the United States Government, September 2, which will be the first Monday in September, will be Labor Day. Do not worry because there are plenty of services you can need online on Social Security’s website.
For example, through my Social Security account, you can find a great deal of documents and you can also apply online for benefits or download a Statement. What is more, you can apply for Medicare or even check the status of your appeal or application.
Requesting a replacement for your SSA card is possible online too. Some Americans may also need to get a benefit verification letter, so it is also available at:
Social Security closures in October, November, and December
The U.S. Government has confirmed the Federal holidays after Labor Day on Monday, September 2. Apart from closing offices, the Administration will not be able to send any payments due on Federal holidays. Instead, payments will be delivered on the previous business days.
After Labor Day, on the 2nd Monday in October, there will be a new Federal holiday. As a matter of fact, it will be Columbus Day. Thus, Columbus Day will be on October 14, 2024. November 11 will be the next Federal holiday since it will be Veterans Day.
Veterans Day will be celebrated on November 11, 2024. Then, Thanksgiving Day will be on the 4th Thursday in November, on the 28th this year. Finally, the last Federal holiday affecting Social Security services in person will be Christmas Day on December 25, 2024.