In the heart of a serene Polish forest, a remarkable discovery has been made by a father-and-son team. Sławomir and Szymon Milewski, while exploring near the quaint village of Pomiechowek in the Mazovia region, stumbled upon an astonishing find: 17 rare historic coins valued at over $120,000.
At the beginning of the month, enthusiastic metal detectorists from the Triglav Historical and Research Association and the Polish “Husaria” Treasure Hunters Association embarked on a quest.
Was their mission to unearth a coin hoard?
Their mission was to unearth the remnants of an ancient road, a journey filled with anticipation and hope. Despite their primary goal eluding them, the expedition led to an unexpected yet thrilling discovery.
According to a spokesperson from the Polish “Husaria” Treasure Hunters Association, who spearheaded the search, the treasure hunters did not uncover the ancient road. Instead, Sławomir and his son Szymon uncovered a different kind of treasure.
Such discoveries not only excite treasure hunters but also enrich our understanding of history, offering glimpses into the past through these valuable artifacts.
Unearthing a 16th and 17th Century Coin Collection
In a remarkable discovery, a set of 17 pieces dating back to the 16th and 17th centuries has come to light. The find has captured the attention of history enthusiasts and numismatics collectors alike.
The Role of the Polish “Husaria” Treasure Hunters Association
According to Piotr Duda, an archaeologist affiliated with the Triglav Association, members of the Polish “Husaria” Treasure Hunters Association quickly identified their discovery as a collection of silver coins.
The significance of these historical artifacts became apparent upon closer inspection. As Duda shared with Science in Poland, the moment was electrifying for everyone involved.
Mateusz Sygacz, a member of the Polish Treasure Hunters Association, recounted the experience to Kaleena Fraga at All That’s Interesting: “At first, there was a great noise, because everyone who participated in the search—and there were a dozen of us—came running at the call of the discoverers,” he said. “We all realized that we had discovered something incredible.”
A Glimpse into History: The Coins Uncovered
Among the treasures found was a 1604 silver specimens, part of a fascinating collection that includes two main types of coins: thalers and patagons.
- Thalers: Large silver pieces that circulated throughout Europe for centuries. Interestingly, the modern term “dollar” is derived from “thaler.”
- Patagons: Also large silver coins, these were minted in the Spanish Netherlands, a region comprising present-day Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands.
The discovery highlights the rich tapestry of European history, offering a tangible connection to the past through these intricately crafted coins.
Discovering the hidden stories behind ancient coins can be a fascinating journey through time. Among the collection, many coins are adorned with the faces of European rulers, offering a glimpse into a rich historical tapestry.
One standout piece is a 1630 thaler featuring the likeness of Sigismund III Vasa, the former king of Poland and Sweden. This coin, complete with the initials of its maker, is highlighted by the Polish Treasure Hunters Association in a Facebook post.
Another remarkable find is a 1623 thaler, minted for just two years, making it exceptionally rare. These coins were crafted during the Thirty Years’ War, a brutal era of conflict, famine, and disease that devastated Europe from 1618 to 1648.
Unveiling a Treasure Trove
According to additional insights from the association, the oldest coin in this intriguing cache dates from between 1564 and 1587, while the most recent one hails from 1641. The discoverers are left pondering how such a diverse collection could have ended up near Pomiechówek.
Theories Behind the Hidden Coins
As Sygacz shared with All That’s Interesting, there are several theories about the origin of this treasure trove:
- Lost Soldier’s Pay: One possibility is that a soldier lost his pay, inadvertently leaving a historical treasure behind.
- Merchants in Hiding: Another theory suggests that a merchant stashed away his valuables to shield them from potential robbers. In the 16th century, an inn located about a kilometer from the site made it common practice to hide treasures before visiting.
This fascinating discovery offers a glimpse into the past, revealing the hidden narratives of those who once walked these lands.