Each and every person in the United States who gets a stimulus check knows that they will be able to count on a little extra cash to get them through the month. These types of checks became popular during the last pandemic and since then Americans have started to enjoy them.
Still, it is true that not all of these payments are called by this name. Stimulus check payments are today any extra payment that does not fall under the usual pay plans. That is, any payment that is not Social Security or SNAP Food Stamps could fall into this category.
It is true that originally these payments were funded by the American Rescue Plan. And to this day many of these stimulus checks still have funds from this plan, but it is not usual to find the American Rescue Plan funding the extra payments today.
In some states the money for these checks comes from dividends from the sale of state products, such as Alaska and its PFD. Other states have their own stimulus checks where it sends unspent surplus money.
In order to get this stimulus check, it is mandatory to be a resident of Alabama. This means that all other citizens living in the other states will not be able to have the payment. While it is true that other states can have their own check, this particular check is only for Alabama Americans.
The payment corresponds to a $393 million rebate package that Alabama Governor Kay Ivey signed into law earlier this year. Alabamians have known since summer that they would be eligible for one of these payments.
So living in Alabama we could get this stimulus check, which is actually a Tax Rebate. Among the mandatory requirements to get this Tax Rebate we must have sent in our taxes on time in the past year 2022.
Therefore, we have two requirements in total for this check: to have sent in the Tax Refund before October 17, 2022 and to live in Alabama. With these two requirements we could get up to $300. The check is $300 for a couple and $150 for individual citizens.
The payments will start arriving beginning November 30 of this year 2023. And they will arrive through Direct Deposit or through physical checks, so keep an eye on your bank account to see if you have received your stimulus check.
In addition to that, keep in mind that by next year another one of these payments could arrive. If the State of Alabama again accepts this proposition, we could have another stimulus check in 2024. But to know that for sure, we still have to wait a bit.