$4,555 Social Security payments begin: see if you will get it today

Eligible United States retirees can get a new Social Security payment of up to $4,555 as soon as today, October 18th

If you meet the requirements you are getting the new Social Security payment soon

Today could be a big day for millions of United States retirees collecting an American Social Security check. The Administration will send out a large amount of benefits today that will reach a particular group of American citizens. In case you meet a couple of requirements you will have access to the check of up to $4,555 today October 18th, 2023.

These two requirements are not difficult to meet and are directly linked with the personal information of each beneficiary. Ultimately, the schedule of payments is set up based on this personal information. Therefore, each payday has its own requirements and best of all, we could know when we will get paid each month just by knowing which group we belong to.

In total, the Social Security Administration divides retirees into four different groups. Each of these groups gets the retirement benefit on one of the four paydays of the month. In addition, there is also the Supplemental Security Income payment, but that check is different and is sent on a different day.

Once we determine which group of retirees we belong to, all we have to do is check on which day of the month that group receives Social Security on. For example, all retirees with a check prior to 1997 are always paid on the 3rd day of the month, with some exceptions. The rest of the retirees, those after 1997, can be paid on three different days, the second, third and fourth Wednesday of each month. Do you know which group of retirees you belong to?


If we take a good look at the calendar we can see that today October 18th is the third Wednesday of the month. That means that only a portion of post-1997 retirees can get check. To be more precise, only the third group of retirees will be able to collect this benefit.

Social Security is sending a new check so check out the requirements to get it
Social Security is sending a new check so check out the requirements to get it

So there are two exact requirements for the Social Security Administration to send a check to a retiree today. These are those two mandatory requirements:

In this sense, collecting a check for this benefit today is only possible if we meet these requirements. Additionally, it is also good to keep in mind that this does not mean that we get the retirement check directly. In order to get the payment today, we must meet another condition.


In order to get the right to get the October 18th payment on the same day of October 18th it is mandatory to activate a specific payment method. This payment method is none other than Direct Deposit. By simply activating it, we will immediately receive each of the payments sent by the Social Security Administration.

This works for any type of benefit that can be sent by the SSA or the Government in general. Therefore, Supplemental Security Income payments, SSDI (Disability Benefit) checks or any other benefit will arrive sooner with this method.

If Direct Deposit is not activated as a payment method, we will still get your Social Security check, but not on the same day it is mailed. Receipt can be up to 3 days later, although there may be problems with the payment and it may be delayed up to a few days later.

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