66-year-olds will soon get more than $3,800 from Social Security if they meet 3 requirements

Learn about the reason why some retirees collect the largest payments from Social Security in April, check if you will be eligible or not

American retirees who are about 66 years old could get a huge payment from Social Security on these dates in April

American retirees who are about 66 years old could get a huge payment from Social Security on these dates in April

Seniors on Social Security retirement benefits can still receive a payment in April. Actually, there are three paydays left. However, not all retirees receive the same amount of money.

This is because they do not have the same background. Besides, many of them have not met all the requirements that Social Security set to get higher checks as a retiree.


If you have reached Full Retirement Age and filed in 2024, you could receive up to $3,822 from the Administration. First of all, make sure you have worked in jobs covered by SSA.

Not doing so may mean that you will not be eligible for retirement benefits. What is more, you must have worked for at least 35 years or more. If you do not meet this requirement, your benefits become smaller.

Social Security will pay you the largest check in 2024 if you have earned the taxable maximum for 35 years. That implies you have been a really high earner for many years. Delaying retirement will boost your payments, do so if you are still working.


If you are 66 years old and receive retirement benefits, you may receive your payment on April 10, 17, or 24. This is possible if you started collecting benefits after May 1997 or from that date onward.

Social Security arranges payments using birth dates. The earlier in the month your birthday is, the sooner you will receive your monthly check from the Administration.

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