If you were born on these dates, your SSDI payment of up to $3,822 will be the last one in May

SSDI is the Social Security Disability Insurance and some May payments are yet to come, so check the upcoming paydays in the United States

Social Security Disability Insurance payments are not on the same paydays every month and each SSDI recipient may have a different payment date

Social Security Disability Insurance payments are not on the same paydays every month and each SSDI recipient may have a different payment date

If you did not qualify for the SSDI or disability benefit payments from Social Security on May 3 and May 8, you only have 2 possible paydays. As a matter of fact, you must continue to be eligible.

Otherwise, you will not qualify for these payments. Bear in mind that you must report any improvement in your disability to Social Security. Going back to work is something that you must also report to the Administration while receiving SSDI payments.


If you were born from the 21st to the 31st of any month, your next SSDI payment will be on May 22. Therefore, you will have to wait for about 12 days to receive it. If this is your first check or direct deposit, there is something you should know.

SSDI benefit payments are generally on time. However, if there are any delays, you should first contact the financial institution that you have. So, you’d better not call Social Security unless you have called your bank first and waited for 3 mailing days.

Before the SSDI payment on May 22, there will be another check or direct deposit on May 15. However, this disability payment will be for those whose birthday is from 11-20, regardless of the month or year. These last two payments are for those who started receiving Social Security after April 30, 1997.


For your information, the average amount of Social Security Disability Insurance is worth about $1,537. Nevertheless, this amount is made-to-measure. So, every worker can have a different amount.

What is the same to all disability insurance recipients are the maximum amounts. The maximum SSDI payment is worth $3,822 in 2024. So, it will be the largest check or direct deposit you could receive in May.

To get so much money you must have worked for 35 years in jobs covered by SSA and earned the taxable maximum all this time. The later you file, the higher your Social Security will be. So only those who file late can receive $3,822 if they meet the rest of the requirements.

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