Can Basic Income ($500 checks) affect my benefits in California?

If you are thinking about applying for the new Basic Income Program pilot in California, this is all you need to know about these checks in Fresno

If you receive other benefits while on basic income payments, you may wonder if you can lose them

For those who are not aware of the fact that there will soon be a new basic income program in Fresno, California, get ready. Receiving free money is not something you can say no.

However, if you are on CalWORKS or CalFresh, you may wonder if you could lose them. Fresno Economic Opportunities Commission claims that they have received a waiver from the California Department of Social Services.

Therefore, you could benefit from a waiver while you get this basic income money. Exempting this money from being counted as part of your income will allow you to apply for either Calfresh or CalWORKS. So, it will not affect your eligibility.


Once you are chosen, you will discuss it with a Fresno EOC navigator. Therefore, this person will help you find out if there is any potential impact on any benefits you are currently receiving or want to apply for.

Basic Income in California can be a relief for 150 participants in Fresno County, California
Basic Income in California can be a relief for 150 participants in Fresno County, California

It will not be until mid-May 2024 that beneficiaries can know if they have been chosen. A Fresno EOC Naviator will contact you by phone call, email, and text message.

Do not forget that once you receive this confirmation, you must answer as soon as possible. Those applicants who do not reply in less than 48 hours, be careful, because they may withdraw your application.


If you meet all the requirements and you are selected, you will not have to pay the money you receive back. The best thing about this basic income program is that it has no strings attached.

Nevertheless, you will be encouraged to take part in surveys. In fact, you will only receive 4 different surveys in one year. But this basic income will give you $500 payments for 1 year.

Hence, it will be worth applying and answering the surveys because you will cash a total amount of $6,000. Visit for more details and remember the eligible ZIP codes are 93706 (southwest Fresno) and 93234 (Huron).

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