Can you laminate your Social Security card in the US?

Many Americans wonder if they can laminate their Social Security cards, this is what the agency recommends doing and the reasons why

Can you laminate your Social Security card in the US?

To laminate, or not to laminate your Social Security card

Millions of Americans have a Social Security card. Losing it, having it stolen or damaged is what many citizens fear. It is true that you could replace it but it is much better to keep it in a safe place.

The Administration claims that your Social Security card reliably serves only as official verification of the SSN you are given by SSA. Bear in mind that all of them have a name on the card and owners must have another proof of identity.

Can you laminate your Social Security card?

The Social Security Administration warns Americans that they should not laminate their SSA card. Even if what you really want is to protect it from any damage caused by water, bugs, or use, SSA insists “Do not laminate your card”.

As a matter of fact, there are important reasons why you should not laminate your Social Security card. Bear in mind that lamination prevents the detection of a great deal of security features.

The Agency recommends alternatives to lamination. In this way, you will protect your card but you will not prevent the detection of many of its security characteristics. Here are a couple of examples.

Ways to protect your Social Security card from damage

Since laminating your SSA card is not a possible option, make use of a plastic cover. Of course, get a plastic cover that is suitable for your SSA card and make sure it will not damage the security features.

For example, choose one that is big enough and has nothing to damage your card. SSA also recommends using other removable materials that are safe for keeping your Social Security card.

If you have not been careful and you have damaged your Social Security card, you can request a replacement. However, a physical card is not always necessary if you know your SSN by heart or if you have a photocopy to check it. Visit SSA’s website to request your card replacement:

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