Unlock Extra Savings Discover How Your State is Boosting Child Tax Credits in 2024

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Unlock Extra Savings Discover How Your State is Boosting Child Tax Credits in 2024

Learn About New State Programs Enhancing Child Tax Credits for Families in 2024

In 2024, 16 states are providing additional child tax credits, including credits for young children, with eligibility and credit amounts varying by state. Here’s a closer look at what some states are offering: Families in Arizona can receive a nonrefundable $100 credit for dependents under 17, with an extra $25 for dependents over 17.

California offers up to $1,000 for families earning less than $25,000, with a reduced credit for those earning between $25,000 and $30,000. This credit is available for children under 6, provided the family qualifies for the California Earned Income Tax Credit.

Exploring State-Specific Tax Credits for Families Across the US

In Colorado, families can receive up to $1,200 per child for those earning $75,000 or less ($85,000 for married couples filing jointly). This credit is applicable to children under 6. Idaho offers a nonrefundable $205 credit per child under 16. Maine residents can claim $300 per qualifying child and dependent under the dependent exemption tax credit.

Families in Maryland earning $6,000 or less can receive a $500 refundable credit for each child under 17. What is the criteria to qualify for disability benefits? Citizens Disability provides comprehensive information on this topic. The benefits offered by various states for families with children can provide significant financial relief. Here’s a breakdown of what some states offer:


In Massachusetts, families can receive $180 for one dependent or $360 for multiple dependents under the age of 12. This assistance can help families manage the costs associated with raising young children.


Minnesota provides a generous $1,750 per child. However, the credit starts to phase out for single filers earning above $29,500 and joint filers earning above $35,000. This helps ensure that the benefit reaches those who need it most.

New Jersey

New Jersey‘s Child Tax Credit Program offers a refundable $500 credit for each child under 6 for families earning $30,000 or less. For households earning up to $80,000, the credit is $300 per child. This program is designed to support families in managing the high costs of early childhood.

New Mexico

In New Mexico, families can receive between $25 to $600 per child, depending on their income, through the 2031 tax year. This wide range of support ensures that even those with varying income levels can find some relief.

New York

New York allows eligible families to claim either 33% of the federal child tax credit and federal additional child tax credit for qualifying children or $100 for each qualifying child. Recently, New York has expanded its credit to include children under 4, providing more comprehensive support for families with very young children.


In Oklahoma, households with incomes less than $100,000 can receive a credit of 5% of the federal child tax credit. This helps ensure that middle-income families also receive some level of support.

These state-specific programs highlight the varying levels of support available to families across the United States. Whether you are in Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, or Oklahoma, there are credits and benefits designed to help ease the financial burden of raising children.

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