Housing support for Americans with a disability in February 2024

If you have a qualifying disability and you cannot afford to pay all the house expenses, it is time to explore new possibilities in the Unites States

A disability may prevent you from working and you may have a low income, so get housing support if eligible

Section 811 Supportive Housing for Americans with a disability may be what you are looking for. This program is great because it lets people with a disability live as independently as possible.

They aim to subsidize rental housing so that beneficiaries can take advantage of adequate supportive services. The U.S. Government claims that Section 811 works in two different ways.

On the one hand, it can provide people with a disability with interest-free capital advances. Besides,  it can operate subsided to nonprofit developers of affordable houses. On the other hand, it can give project rental assistance to state housing agencies too.


Whether you want to benefit from capital advances or get supported by project rental assistance contracts, you must have a very low income. Therefore, if your household is not very low, you are not eligible.

Check if you are eligible for housing support in the United States while you have a disability
Check if you are eligible for housing support in the United States while you have a disability

Benefits.gov claims that a very low income is within 50% of the median income for the area where you live. Of course, apart from having a very low income, one adult in the household must have a disability.

For your information, your condition could be physical or developmental. Chronic mental illness may also be regarded as a qualifying disability. However, to be eligible for projects funded with Project Rental Assistance your household income must be extremely low.


If you would like to apply for Project Rental Assistance, a resident must have an income within 30% of the median income for the area. Therefore, it is time to know where you can apply if you have a disability.

The U.S. Government informs that applicants must send an application in response to NOFA. NOFA stands for Notice of Funding Availability.

This is published in the Federal Register every year and posted on the following website: Notice of Funding Availability

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