How to apply for U.S. retirement in 2024

Retirement benefits may be essential to live more comfortably in the United States as a retiree, learn how to apply for monthly payments

This is what you should know before you apply for retirement benefits in the United States

Retirement benefits from Social Security can provide you with monthly payments in the United States. It is the best way to replace part of your income when you retire and stop working.

An online application is available for those who prefer to do it this way. Bear in mind that Social Security offers more than just retirement benefits. So, they may ask you about the benefit you are filing for.

It could be disability, survivors, spousal, or retirement benefits. What is more, some seniors may be able to get SSI (Supplemental Security Income) if they have a low income. If you are already 65, do not forget about Medicare.


Once you are ready to apply for retirement benefits, you must visit to file online. Make sure you read all the information SSA provides you with before starting your application.

Retirement benefits in the United States in 2024 can give you a payment of up to $4,873
Retirement benefits in the United States in 2024 can give you a payment of up to $4,873

First of all, you will have to agree to the statements SSA shows in the Benefits Application Terms of Service section. Thus, do not forget to tick the box to go on with your retirement application.

Once you have ticked the box, click on the “Next” button. This means you have understood and agreed to the terms and conditions SSA stated. To continue your application process, you will need a My Social Security account.

Before you click on the “Start a New Application” button, SSA suggests making sure you qualify for retirement benefits and Medicare. Gathering all the essential documents and information is also another recommendation.


If you are not sure how to file for retirement benefits online, you can ask for help. A family member or friend who knows how to do it can give a hand. Once you click on “Start a New Application” you must state this fact.

Select the option “I am applying for myself” if you are doing it by yourself. If you are helping someone file and that person is not with you, select “I am helping someone who is not with me”.

This second option will not allow you to sign the application at this time though. After selecting the suitable option, choose “yes” or “no” to the question “Do you have a my Social Security account?”. Once you have a my Social Security account, log in.

Use your Social Security username,, or If you select the option “I am helping someone”, you will have to type Applicant’s name, SSN; Date of Birth, Gender, say if the applicant has a vision condition (blind/low vision) and a health and work question. Continue the questionnaire which can take about 30 minutes.

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