The IRS says you’d better do this if you need more time to file your 2023 tax return

The 2024 tax season is coming to and end for millions of taxpayers, that is why you should not put off filing and paying to the IRS

It is time to file your 2023 tax return, or you will have to face the penalties the IRS set for 2024

It is time to file your 2023 tax return, or you will have to face the penalties the IRS set for 2024

Even if the 2024 tax season started in late January, some taxpayers have not filed their 2023 tax returns yet. The IRS recommends filing before it is too late because it may have negative consequences for Americans.

The IRS set the deadline to file for your 2023 tax return on April 15. What is more, it will also be the deadline if you need to apply for a filing extension in 2024.


If you owe the Internal Revenue Service money, you’d better pay what is due before the April 15 deadline comes to an end. In this way, you will avoid the penalties. So, pay now, and get an extension if you need more time to prepare your return.

The IRS insists taxpayers can easily get a filing extension if they use Free File. This tool is available on the official website. So all you have to do is visit the Internal Revenue Service and apply.

Therfore, you could simply visit this site Then, you will be allowed to get a filing extension and it is free. But do not forget to pay your taxes to the Internal Revenue Service.


The Internal Revenue Service allows taxpayers to get an extension by making a tax payment. However, do not forget to tell the Internal Revenue Service this payment is to get a filing extension.

It can be done through Direct Pay or using the Electronic Federal Tax Payment System. If you have a credit or debit card, the IRS also accepts them to make payments for extensions.

The Internal Revenue Service insists you do not need to file a separate Form 4868. As long as you indicate this payment is for an extension, it will be enough. Once you make it, you will have a new deadline, October 15.

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