IRS: The most important dates to file your tax return in 2024

If you are looking forward to getting a great check from your tax refund, the IRS has just revealed the dates you need to save for 2024

The IRS and the new dates your cannot miss to collect payments and checks in the USA in 2024

The new year has come and the 2024 tax season is just around the corner says the IRS. Millions of Americans must file every year and this one is no exception. That is why it is crucial to know when you must deal with your taxes to avoid any delays or penalties.

More and more taxpayers rely on the money from their tax returns to get by. After two years of high prices and exorbitant inflation, most people have run out of their emergency funds. So, getting an IRS check is the priority in 2024.

In order to get the United States going and have a better country, it is essential that taxpayers do their duties. Despite the fact that the tax season started on January 23, 2023, it will start on January 29, 2024 claimed the IRS.


Just like many times before, the IRS has announced that the new deadline to file your tax return will be on April 15, 2024. In this way, many taxpayers will have almost three months to file or to have it done. But is early filing advisable?

January 22 is the first important date you need to save if you want to get your tax refund as soon as possible claims the IRS
January 22 is the first important date you need to save if you want to get your tax refund as soon as possible claims the IRS

Remember that it is important to prepare everything in advance. Gathering all the essential information and documents will be necessary to avoid delays. By doing so, you can save time.

What is more, it will not be so tiring if you are in the habit of keeping all the documents regularly. Therefore, it is best to file a little bit later if you do not have all the information you need.

Sending an incomplete tax return or giving the IRS inaccurate information can cause delays. So, it is best to file your return when you know it is ready. Hire a tax preparer if you do not know how to do it. Not only can it save you time, but also money.


April 15 will be the deadline to get an extension. So it will be both the last day to file and the last day you can apply for an extension. However, even if you qualify for an extension, you must pay the taxes you owe the IRS by April 15.

Not doing so may mean paying interest. Thus, it is something you should avoid like the plague. Start the new year as you should. Do not put things off and pay your taxes before the due date.

Getting a better financial situation is possible if you organize yourself. Sometimes, there can be different deadlines. That is the case with Maine and Massachusetts.

Taxpayers in Maine and Massachusetts can file their tax returns by April 17, 2024. This usually happens when there is an important holiday or there is a natural disaster. Visit the IRS official website for more details.

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