As soon as you start working you should learn about retirement savings accounts. This is a great way to get money once you stop working at 62, 65, or 70. Have a look at the different savings accounts like IRAs, 401(K)s, or Roth IRAs.
Once you can start withdrawing money from your savings account, you will have part of your income in retirement. Investments are another source of income. Hire a professional to help you invest your money wisely.
Otherwise, you may end up being too conservative or taking too much risk. Buying properties can be a great asset for retirement. Renting a house or selling it can give you a great financial boost.
If you have worked and paid enough payroll taxes, you can apply for Social Security. This can provide you with monthly payments worth about $1,909 on average as of January 2024.
If you were or are a low earner, you should expect a much lower Social Security retirement check. In this case, you may need to apply for Supplemental Security Income (SSI).
This can also give you monthly payments worth $697 on average. If you are 65 years old or older, you could get $574 on average though. Having other earnings reduces your SSI amount.
If you have neglected your retirement savings and have a low income, you may qualify for SNAP. SNAP benefits are the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, the former Food Stamps.
It can give you up to $291 if you are single or $535 if you are two people in the same household. Even if you get retirement checks. If you are a finance pro, you may also want to give it a go at Bonds.
Treasury, Green, Corporate, Laddered, or International Bonds may be a good choice. Others may want to explore CD (Certificates of Deposit). Some even prefer Immediate Annuities. But above all, do as much as you can to get a large nest egg, and do not put it off.