10 reasons to file for Social Security retirement benefits early in the United States in 2024

Although many people file late to get more money from Social Security in retirement, some still believe it is best to file at 62 in the USA

Reasons to file for Social Security retirement benefits at 62

Sometimes you cannot sit on the fence, because you must make a decision. To file for Social Security at 62, or not to file, that is the question.

Although it is not an easy decision here are some ideas you may need to choose early filing. The best thing about it is the fact that you will be able to collect more Social Security payments.

If you are 62 and you have just lost your job, it would be wise to apply for Social Security retirement benefits. Especially if you cannot get a new job easily.


In this way, you will be able to plan your future better. What is more, you will have much more control over your lifestyle.

Calculate your expenses, unexpected medical bills and inflation to see if you can file early
Calculate your expenses, unexpected medical bills, and inflation to see if you can file early

People who do not rely on these Social Security benefits because they have savings and investments should also file early.

Why carry on working to get a higher Social Security benefit if you will not rely on that money? Having other sources of income like properties can help tip the scales in favour of filing at 62.


American workers who have a short life expectancy or have poor health should also file early for Social Security. By doing so, they can benefit from the advantages of looking after themselves properly.

So, your Social Security benefits will come in handy at 62. Another reason why many people file at 62 is to have more spare time. Some people love doing things and taking up lots of hobbies, so this will be ideal. Traveling more is another reason why many Americans opt for early filing.

Remember that downsizing can give you additional money to increase your nest egg for retirement. But delay retirement if you cannot afford to pay the necessary expenses in retirement,

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