SNAP for families of 4, Food Stamp checks of up to $973, $1,759 or $1,937 in August

Millions of families will receive SNAP benefits in August 2024, check when your Food Stamps will be due so you can use your EBT card

SNAP benefit payments coming next week

SNAP benefit payments coming next week

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Food and Nutrition Service will continue sending SNAP benefits from August 1 through August 28 for families of 4 and other household sizes.

Food Stamps can be worth up to $973 for 4 members in the 48 contiguous States and the District of Columbia. If you get Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits in Hawaii, it can be up to $1,759.  Alaskans can get the largest amount for four in the USA if they live in Rural 2 since it can be up to $1,937.

SNAP payment schedule for August

Regardless of your family size, payment dates do not rely on that. Since States can administer applications and payments, some base their paydays on Social Security Numbers, Eligibility Determination Group numbers, SNAP case numbers, and many other ways.

Here is the full list of SNAP payment dates for August for all 50 States. Below this list, you will also find the paydays for Guam, the United States Virgin Islands, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.

Alabama: August 4-23
Alaska: August 1
Arizona: August 1-13
Arkansas: August 4-13
California: August 1-10
Colorado: August 1-10
Connecticut: August 1-3
Delaware: August 2-23
Florida: August 1-28
Georgia: August 5-23
Hawaii: August 3-5
Idaho: August 1-10
Illinois: August 1-10
Indiana: August 5-23
Iowa: August 1-10
Kansas: August 1-10
Kentucky: August 1-19
Louisiana: August 1-23
Maine: August 10-14
Maryland: August 4-23
Massachusetts: August 1-14
Michigan: August 3-21
Minnesota: August 4-13
Mississippi: August 4-21
Missouri: August 1-22

SNAP payments from Montana to Wyoming

The list of Food Stamp payment dates continues since you can get Supplemental Security Income benefits in all 50 States. Once you receive money on your EBT card you can go grocery shopping online or in-store.
Montana: August 2-6
Nebraska: August 1-5
Nevada: August 1-10
New Hampshire: August 5
New Jersey: August 1-5
New Mexico: August 1-20
New York: August 1-9
North Carolina: August 3-21
North Dakota: August 1
Ohio: August 2-20
Oklahoma: August 1-10
Oregon: August 1-9
Pennsylvania: Over the first 10 business days
Rhode Island: August 1
South Carolina: August 1-10
South Dakota: August 10
Tennessee: August 1-20
Texas: August 1-28
Utah: August 5, 11 and 15
Vermont: August 1
Virginia: August 1-7
Washington: August 1-20
West Virginia: August 1-9
Wisconsin: August 1-15
Wyoming: August 1-4

U.S. territories, PR and DC

Guam: August 1-10
Puerto Rico: August 4 – 22
The District of Columbia: August 1-10
The U.S. Virgin Islands: August 1


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