Social Security announces November schedule for disability beneficiary (SSDI) pensions

Discover the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) payment schedule for November 2023 and understand how your date of birth affects your payment date

Social Security and the next disability benefits payment

Social Security and the next disability benefits payment

Millions of Americans rely on Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) to supplement their income. These individuals must have a recognized disability. In the United States, the SSDI program is administered by the Social Security Administration, which has two main eligibility criteria:

What is the SSDI payment schedule for November 2023?

If you are a beneficiary of the SSDI program, you will want to know what the payment schedule is. Although benefits are usually paid on about the same date each month, sometimes it can vary.

If you have been receiving SSDI payments since before May 1997, you will be paid on the 3rd of each month, so November 3, 2023.

If, like most, you joined the program after May 1997, the date your SSDI benefits are paid depends on your date of birth. Here’s how it works:

In terms of next week, the only people who will receive SSDI benefits in the next seven days are those who are due to be paid on Friday, November 3, which are those whose eligibility dates back to before May 1997.

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