Social Security: When will I get my October payment if I retired at 62?

In just a few days, the Social Security Administration will send out a new check for a specific group of United States retirees

To get the next Social Security check is mandatory to meet two requirements

Retirees age 62 in the United States will soon be able to get a new Social Security payment. By simply meeting the mandatory requirements they will be able to cash an average check for $1,800 to use for whatever they need.

When it comes to Social Security benefits, it is always good to keep in mind that the type of benefit does not really matter in order to mark on the calendar the day we will collect the payment. However, there are other elements that do make up the check.

If we know what the requirements are to be paid on one of these days, we will be able to determine when during the month we will get our benefit money. This does not change from month to month, so knowing the Social Security payment system is a good idea.

Regardless of all this, we will be able to consult the calendar as often as we need to. So there is no need to learn by heart when the Social Security Administration will send each payment. Just knowing the day we can cash a check is enough.


To see a new Social Security payment, we must wait until October 18th. On this day, the Administration will send the payment for the retirees who are on the list of beneficiaries. To be on this list, two requirements must be met.

Find out if you meet the requirements to get the next Social Security benefit payment
Find out if you meet the requirements to get the next Social Security benefit payment

These requirements are to have the benefit since after 1997 and to have a birthday between the 11th and 20th. As for the birthday, the month of the birthday does not matter. The year of birth is also irrelevant. The only important thing is the exact day of the month.

On the other hand, the rest of the retirees will be paid on different days. Likewise, it does not matter if the check is for disability, widow’s, widower’s, age retirement or spouse’s Social Security. What is important to determine the day of payment are the two elements mentioned above.

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