SSI announces a new payment. But you may lose it for these reasons

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments arrive each month to recipients but the SSA may stop sending them for certain reasons

Find out when you will get your next SSI payment

With the timing of Social Security payments ahead, any citizen of the United States can have a better economic organization. And the monthly SSI check is precisely to somehow improve the financial situation of Americans. Getting a new Supplemental Security Income check every new month is good news.

However, many Americans could lose this monthly payment. While stopping the SSI check of up to $914 may seem like bad news, stopping getting it may be good news. Most people who lose this benefit are doing so because their overall life has improved.

In the event that you have the SSI benefit accepted you should know both the payment day and the reasons for losing it. These two elements are essential if we want to get check every month. Even so, there are times when we can reapply for the payment if we lose it, so we should not have any further problems.

The next Supplemental Security Income payment is very close. Therefore, pay close attention to who will get this payment and on what day exactly. If you are on the eligibility list, you can collect a check for up to $914 in just a few days.


The Social Security Administration will send out the new Supplemental Security Income check on November 1st. This payment will be exclusively for SSI recipients who have already had their check accepted.

Sosial Security SSI
Social Security SSI is a monthly payment

Any American who has not yet had a check accepted will have to wait for the Administration to accept the benefit. Any SSI in process will not arrive until it is fully accepted. So if we have precisely this benefit still in process we will not be able to get it on November 1st, but in later months.

In addition to that, it is also important to keep in mind that this benefit is compatible with Social Security. Therefore, we could get the SSI payment on November 1st and then collect a retirement check on November 3rd, 8th, 11th or 22nd, depending on our personal information.


The SSI benefit has two basic mandatory requirements. If we meet these two requirements we will get this monthly check of up to $914 per month. However, it is possible that we may fail to meet one of the requirements, and in doing so we will lose the benefit.

The first of these two requirements is to be 65 years of age or older or have a disability. If we apply for Supplemental Security Income at age 65, this requirement will remain in effect. However, if we apply because of a disability and we regain our health and disability status, we will lose the payment.

On the other hand, the second requirement is low income. Therefore, if we go over the maximum income threshold to get SSI we will stop collecting the check. Even so, we could reapply if the situation becomes unfavorable for us again.

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