
Welcome to our media, where we want to share our story, mission and values. We are a team of journalists and marketing specialists who have come together with a clear purpose: to provide support and solutions to vulnerable people, people with disabilities and seniors. We believe that every individual deserves respect, care and the opportunity to lead a full life, regardless of their circumstances.

Our team is multidisciplinary and composed of women and men who share a deep commitment to inclusion and gender equality. We believe in diversity as a source of strength, and we work together in harmony to achieve our goals.

At the heart of our organization is our CEO, an exceptional leader who is also a person with a disability. His story is a testament to perseverance, determination and achievement. He has faced personal challenges that have given him a unique understanding of the needs and challenges of people with disabilities. Her inspirational leadership has been instrumental in building a strong and dedicated team whose primary focus is to improve the quality of life for vulnerable people.

Our mission is clear: to advocate for the rights and dignity of people in vulnerable situations. Through our journalistic, communications and marketing skills, we seek to bring visibility to the stories and challenges faced by these communities. We believe in the importance of informing and raising public awareness about the issues faced by people with disabilities and older people, and how we can work together to create a more inclusive world.

In addition to our informational work, we are also dedicated to collaborating with organizations and projects that provide services and resources to vulnerable people. We bring our marketing and communications expertise to help these initiatives reach a wider audience and make a positive impact on society.

In our commitment to gender equality, we foster an inclusive work environment where all voices are valued equally. We believe that diversity of perspectives enriches our solutions and allows us to approach challenges from multiple angles.

In short, we are a passionate team of journalists and marketing specialists who work tirelessly to support vulnerable people, people with disabilities and seniors. Our CEO, an exemplary leader, guides us in this mission, and our diversity and commitment to gender equality are a fundamental part of our identity. We are here to make a difference and create a more inclusive world for all.