Disability benefit payday update: SSDI checks of up to $3,822 in 1 or 7 days

A minor change will allow eligible SSDI recipients to get their monthly payment from Social Security in advance, check when your disability benefit is due

Disability benefits can give eligible recipients an SSDI check of up to $3,822

Disability benefits can give eligible recipients an SSDI check of up to $3,822

Social Security Disability Insurance benefits are coming soon. This year’s June 19 payment cannot be sent on that date. Juneteenth National Independence Day is a Federal holiday.

Therefore, the Administration will have to send it on the previous business day, which is June 18, 2024. To qualify for this monthly payment, Social Security requires you started collecting payments after April 30, 1997, and have your birthday from 11-20.

SSDI on June 26

If you are on disability insurance but did not qualify for any of the previous payments from Social Security in June, you will receive one on June 26. Apart from the filing date, SSA will check your birth date as well.

American SSDI recipients whose birthdays are from the 21st to the 31st will collect their Social Security on June 26. This will be the last group of disability beneficiaries to collect money from SSA.

After the June 26 disability payment, there will be an SSI payment on July 1. July 3 will be when those on benefits before May 1997 get their money. Those on SSDI and SSI get in on July 3 as well.

SSDI maximum benefit on June 26

As of January 2024, the largest Social Security Disability Insurance benefit is worth $3,822 regardless of the payday. However, very few Americans with a disability qualify for such a large payment.

SSDI average payments are worth $1,537 as of April 2024. If your disability insurance check or direct deposit is much lower, you may also qualify for Supplemental Security Income. Do not forget that to continue collecting SSDI payments, you must remain eligible for disability benefits.

That is, you need to report to SSA any work you do or if your condition improves. Not doing so may result in unwanted overpayments. Social Security will ensure that you meet the strict definition of disability from time to time if necessary. Only workers who have earned enough work credits can get SSDI.

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